A group of Unplugged decide to connect with each other with a rulebook from an ancient tome known as the Dungeons and Dragon's Player's Handbook.
In this pilot episode, Four of the Unplugged come together to play an ancient game. Before Potreblyat's hostile take over of the True Reality technology, before the world fell apart, before technology did all of the thinking for us, there was tabletop and imagination. Join these adventurers as Jemarc (Twilight), Kevin (Virt), and Manny (Torrin), are led on deadly adventures by their Dungeon Master Mitch.
The newest prisoners make a new friend, Twilight dons some magical armor, Debillica manages to be completely unhelpful, and Torrin touches Virt. Will the adventurers make it out of this darkened death trap? Probably not.
The time has come and Oxota is here! Let us feast with abandon upon the meat the Encroacher's have provided. In today's episode, our favorite demi-plane prisoners receive a major beat down from their first boss battle, and Twilight finally gets close with Derek. Torrin flexes his way to success and the gang meets a suspicious Druid...can they trust them? And will our players be hunted down before they get a chance to find out?
Our favorite prisoners make a whole lot of new friends. An orc/Halfling Band, the world's worst Rogue, and they are fed something that isn't exactly an animal. Can Twilight, Virt, and Torrin trust the Druid, Hezekiah? And, does it really matter at the end of the day?
Jemarc and Kevin learn more about Oxota, and a mysterious voice reaches out to the world. Meanwhile, Twilight, Torrin, and Virt execute their plan to kidnap a Goblin, but their only help through the journey is none other than the "magical" Dave Blaze. This is totally a good idea with no repercussions at all. Regardless, it's time to meet the Station Heads.
Our ever-so-lucky prisoners must place all of their faith into the powerful Dave Blaze as they sneak into the Goblin camp. Meanwhile, Jemarc found a cat, and Kevin hears news of people who are fighting back against the Overseers. This episode is sure to be unbearably suspenseful.
Tensions are rising between our players as word begins to spread about the fall of PCUP-137. There's finally a chance to fight back, but our rag-tag group of player characters finally get a break! Twilight joins a Bard College and Torrin reevaluates his prejudices. Meanwhile Virt gets shoved into a very violent dance. All the while, Debilika is scheming.
Twilight causes a lot of trouble this time, but only because they have placed all their faith in their new best buddy Debilika. And Torrin and Virt are completely, and totally alright with it. But mysteries await our intrepid characters as they find themselves in Balderdash. Will they be able to solve Debilika's Wight problems? And what's the true story behind Balderdash's mayor? Oh, and, not for nothing, but Jemarc's cat might be a mount.
Our favorite prisoners make themselves at home in the maze town of Balderdash as they begin their investigations into the location of the Wight. But the townspeople have another threat weighing heavily on them. And this one is much worse than a mayor who walks around with a poop bucket permanently attached to him. Will they stop the threat before it takes another life? Or will Mayor Bucket's reign of crap-filled terror overwhelm everyone? OH, and Kupit' day is coming, so that's neat too.
The White Direstirge wreaks havoc across Balderdash, and the only ones able to fight it are our Dragonborn Paladin, Torrin, and our Tiefling Bard, Twilight. The towns people are incapable of helping and not too far from the Maze's village, a decrepit mansion looms. Promising suffering and pain within its walls.
Our favorite prisoners make their way through the Shattered Mansion, undaunted by the threats that lay within. However, even with the grotesque monstrosities that are the oddly adorable Lemure, they find themselves up against their most powerful foe yet: puzzles. This...could take a while.
Tensions rise as our prisoners make their way up the stairs and confront the Wight. But, without Debilika to guide them, and without a plan, their odds of success are limited. All the while, Jemarc, finds himself trapped in a bunker beneath the Collapsed Quarter. Hope is nowhere to be found. Anywhere.
Lost allies. Potreblyat on the hunt. Reunions with a cost.
Our unplugged survivors try to rebuild and reconnect after Jemarc returns. But they are consistently disrupted by the warnings of an old acquaintance. Despite this, they take their avatars back through the Shattered Mansion, and find themselves face-to-face with a religious leader and his flock. It's faith versus faith as Twilight and Torrin bring forth their spiritual leader, The Murder Gnome.
The boys (and Twilight) are back in town! Through Justin's mysterious powers, Twilight, Torrin, and Virt return to the exact moment they were transported to Devil Prison! but this game is nothing but a distraction from what is really happening outside. Yang seems tob e building an army to take down Potreblyat, and Robyn knows it.
Burning Men is here! And TerraHeart nears completion. Our favorite survivors at the end of the world have discovered - through Yang - a way to push their broadcast directly into Potreblyat's face. The stakes have never been higher for these DnD players, and while Twilight, Virt, and Torrin have magic to face the Wight, the real world isn't so gracious, and their monsters are very, very real.
I wonder if that's how warm the sun feels...
Kevin’s been found. But is he back? Something is wrong and Jemarc, Manny, and Mitch all try to play a game to wake him. It’s level up time! So why isn’t anyone more excited?
We come upon the third Arc of our favorite prisoner's journey. They've lost much, and it seems like they're only going to lose more. But not before they figure out the important things in life like, PTO, and getting in touch with HR. Tensions rise among our players, but at least the game gives them a reason to unite.
We come upon the third Arc of our favorite prisoner's journey. They've lost much, and it seems like they're only going to lose more. But not before they figure out the important things in life like, PTO, and getting in touch with HR. Tensions rise among our players, but at least the game gives them a reason to unite.
Happy Pride Month from Potreblyat Corporation, remember, your Identity can be easily validated by making Potreblyat Corporation a ton of money! Meanwhile, our favorite prisoners turned Master Thieves have found themselves in a bit of a conundrum. How do they steal a map that they can't see?
Plans, Schemes, and a new Community Event incoming. What could Yang be planning? And why is Mitch working with him? Sounds like we need some good distractions, but our favorite prisoners are still in deep trouble as they confront Ingdoc. At least Henry has their back.
May the Overseers Continue to Bless Our Rightfully Purchased Freedoms. The Freedom Festival is here! And among the patriotism our boys are hiding from terrifying missiles with their favorite Tabletop game! Within the realm of Devil Prison the boys face off against the charming Henry. But nothing is quite as it seems as allies true faces are revealed. Also, there's a lot of urine involved.
The survivors remain unscathed after the Freedom Festival, but much more dwells beneath the remains of Old China Town where the Feng Huang build up their forces. Emillia demands more responsibility, and Kevin confronts his past demons. Meanwhile, Jemarc and Manny discuss their roles in this group while Yang and Mitch play a game.
Our intrepid Prisoners have Unified Goblins, Rescued a town, Survived a Practical Cult, and made their way deep in the heart of the Devil's operations. It's time for a break. Let's touch base with old friends, maybe overthrow a ruler, you know, real casual like.
We return to Balderdash and reunite wth familiar faces. Justin and his adoptive wives, Selena the potions master, McKean the smith, and - of course - Tom! Whose original name was Phil....keeping track of things is hard.
Twilight has a new Best Buddy! Chester the Mimic! And he's decided to tag along in an attempt to recruit the other Mimics. But to get there they have to return to Balderdash. Will they find their way out of the tunnels? Meanwhile, Mitch is being run ragged by Yang while Kevin's mind fractures further. And it looks like Robyn's Dead Hunt is still seeking performers.
Balderdash is on fire! Twilight, Torrin and Virt have to help but Kevin doesn't seem quite right in the head. Whatever Yang has been doing to him is taking its toll. As if this weren't enough, Yang is moving forward with his plan and sowing chaos across the city.
The Dead Hunt is just around the corner and Robyn announces the incoming competitors! But how can the group deal with it when Kevin is steadily losing his mind? Mitch tries to focus Kevin with a game of DnD, after all. the Prisoners have freed Balderdash from the Mimics and put out the fire. But Earthquakes draw them back beneath the Earth.
They've found the heart. And Yang has found Potreblyat's loved ones. Both our survivors and our prisoners are quickly running out of time before innocents are killed. But Manny first has to survive the Dead Hunt as it comes bearing down on his location outside the city.
Tick tock goes the clock explosions everywhere. Will we die or will we live? To ask I will not dare.
The time has come to stop Yang before he takes innocent lives, but Mitch has followed through on his plan and our survivors are playing a game instead of focusing on rescue! But what a game it is. Twilight has inadvertently brought the Mimic Hive Lord to Balderdash, and they have to decide between saving the town, or saving their child. Difficult choices are laid before everyone, and death is inevitable.
It's Level Up Time once again! And our favorite prisoners have an entire town to rebuild. Some may even have more of the town to destroy if the mood suits them.
It's been a month since Yang's death and the disappearance of Kevin and Jemarc. Manny, in an effort to cheer Mitch up, convinces him to play the game again in honor of their friends. Mitch acquiesces and drops Torrin in a horrifying doll house.
Jemarc seeks out Kevin in the Labyrinth after they were separated, but for some reason he insists on playing the game. Mitch and the group acquiesces and they return to Debillika's strange "game" with the Giant house within what was once the Shattered Mansion. Giant Hamsters, dueling rubber duckies and Loofahs, and a Makeshift Grappling Hook. We don't know why Kevin insists on playing but at least it is entertaining.
Give Your Heart Day has arrived and the city is....quiet. Not so quiet is our favorite prisoners adventures in "Debillika's" Looking Glass. Will they finally Break free of this giant illusion? Or will They be trapped forever with a Giant Hamster, a Sentient Loofah, and a Rubber Ducky?
It's time to take the Leviathan. Should be easy right? Just means climbing up a Titan-like mech. At least we can be assured that our favorite Prisoners will be fine as they...face....an invasion...huh.
Our survivors need to get the Leviathan working under their control but the Krysa won't help unless they keep playing. And they have to be very entertaining. Our prisoners are fighting for their lives against the wickedly terrible Devil Knight, but they still manage to find humor in their battle. Also there are a lot of superhero references.
Content Warning: This episode exhibits an individual being tortured with electricity. Listener Discretion is advised. Control impacts every aspect of our lives, and at the End of the World it is no different.
Elijah takes a back seat as Robyn returns, and our Dystopian survivors take a break from working on the Leviathan by returning to the world of the Devil Prison. Now united with Debillika, it is time to save the first wizard the Goblin Chief Bosse told them about many moons ago.
Robyn is back, but Emillia and Mitch have a plan to take down Robyn's tower with the Leviathan. Meanwhile, our favorite Prisoners are trapped in an illusion hellscape full of fluffy bunnies and an enigmatic figure known only as "Control".
It's time. Since Chief Bosse told them early in their adventure, Master Portablatt has taken control of one of the three Wizards and the only way to break free from the Devil Prison Castle is to rescue the wizard. But this could be the group's last game as they look toward liberating Robyn from her tower.
It's time to take down Robyn's tower.
We won. We won. We won. WE WON. And now it's time for a well deserved break and a level-up. Robyn's tower has fallen, and the Illusory castle crumbles behind the Prisoners as they see a vast Jungle Maze ready to torment them some more.
The Unplugged honor their late friend with the best game they can give. They've beaten Robyn, and so deserve a much needed break. Our Prisoners are out of the Castle and straight into the true Labyrinth. They are still as trapped as before, but with a new challenge comes new opportunities, new clothes, and new chances for friendship.
It's time to check out the Farmer's Market, but it would seem the enigmatic King and Angel are keeping a watchful eye on them. The plants are moving and the Unplugged Survivors are forced into a game while they await Kevin for their salvation. Meanwhile, our favorite Prisoners have found themselves allied with the Soupers, a strange group of overpowered mortals who feast on Devil Soup.
Our Unplugged Survivors are trapped in a mutated plant deep in the Farmer's Market, and all they can do to keep the plant from rampaging is telling a compelling story. Good thing Mitch keeps his notes on hand.
The clock is ticking before the Unplugged are plant food, Kevin has the Krysa working tirelessly on tech to extract them from the Farmer's Market but all they can do is play a game to keep the plant's hunger at bay.
The Phoenix have successfully escaped from Angel's Mutated Flytrap but they're not out of the Market yet. Angel and King are armed, and they have more plants eager to consume them, run away survivors. Run away.
Prisoners in the Farmer's Market, Angel and King have a plan to leverage the Unplugged with Larong. But while they're stuck they decide to entertain the kids with the adventures of Dem Dungeon Boiz. The DDB have allied themselves with the New Adventurers Guild on their quest to defeat Master Portablatt.
Kevin works desperately to build drones to save his friends in the Farmer's Market. Meanwhile, Angel and King are out for themselves and their kids as they make a deal with Larong. All the survivors can do is play and keep everyone distracted, and Dem Dungeon Boiz have a camp to destroy.
Larong has found the Unplugged in the Farmer's Market thanks to Angel's deal. But Larong has no intention of sparing anyone. The Farmer's Market Burns, and Larong has brought an army.
Formerly their prisoners, but now a risky allyship, the Phoenix have taken Angel, King, and the surviving children under their wing despite Angel's betrayal. Meanwhile Riley's psyche deteriorates as they fight with Robyn for control of their mind. The group decide to play another game to inspire others and they have a new foe to face: A Platinum Devil.
Happy Kupit day everyone! Our Unplugged survivors are doing their best to relax and celebrate as they adjust to their new living situation with King, Angel, and the children joining them in the labyrinth. It's time to level up, but first Dem Dungeon Boiz have to deal with the Horned Devils at the Illusory Castle gate.
Angel and King go on a suicide run to try and kill Larong once and for all. The Unplugged survivors are forced to decide whether to save them or not. And we learn more about Jemarcs origins. Content Warning: Torture sequences